About Us

Živim u Srbobranu, imam četvoročlanu porodicu i ovim zantamo se bavim od malena - pored užarske mašine sam prohodao. Zanat je u našoj kući od 1937. godine. Prvi ga je učio deda Slavko. Mentor mu je bio Vojvođanski nemac iz obližnjeg sela. Tog nemca je moj pradeda upoznao u austrijskoj vojsci i pošto je tu, u vojsci, nastalo veliko poštovanje i prijateljstvo pradeda je odlučio da svog sina Slavka, mog dedu, da na zanat kod najboljeg.
Pošto me je deda odhranio od malih nogu počeo sam da pečem zanat i savladavam sve veštine i tajne pletenja. Deda je nesebično davao znanje kao što je i on od nemaca naučio da radi precizno i tačno.
Danas, ja sam jedini užar u oklini, i kao moj deda Slavko prenosim ovaj zantan na mušku celjad u familiji. Izuzetno i moja žena Katica je prihvatila i rado savladala sve tajne i veštine užarskog zanata. Tako da danas mi porodicno negujemo ovaj izmurli zanat. Zbog nastale situacije u zemlji i napretka tehnologije meni užarija danas nije izvor prihoda vec beg od surove realnosti i secanja na prošlost, na dedin salaš i konje! Kada je moj deda pocinjao glavni materijal si bili lan i kudelja, dok ja danas pored lana i kudelje koristim još i sisal, sintetiku, najlon i srodne veštacke materijale, ali ipak najkvalitetniji i najlepši proizvodi se dobijaju od prirodnih materijala!


I live in Srbobran with my four-member family.I'm occupied with rope-making since my early child-father.I even made my first steps beside a cordage machine.My grandfather,Slavko,was the first to learn this craft back in 1937.His mentor was a German man from a near village w ho was one of the best in this job on these territories.My great-grandfather met this German man when he was serving in the Austrian Army.Since there was a great friendship and respect between them,my great-grandfather decided to send his son Slavko to learn rope-making from this man.My grandfather brought me up so as the result of this fact I started learning this ploy very early.My grandfather has unselfishly passed on to me his knowledge as he was taught by the German man.He taught me to work precisely and correctly.
Nowdays,I'm the only twister in the whole area.As my grandfather Slavko I'm about to pass on this vocation to next generation in my family.As a matter of fact even my wife,Katica, learn the skill of rope-making so now we cherish this rare vocation truly as a family.Because the whole situation in our country and the progress of the technology cordage is not my source of income but an escape of the cruel reality.And it helps me remember the good old times when I was on my grandfather's ranch.When my grandfather started rope-making the main material was oakum and lint.At the present beside these materials I also use sisal fibers,vinyl and other synthetic materials.But as we all know even today we get the highest quality products from natural materials.

                                                 deda Slavko-začetnik užarije Sivački